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With Collection encompassing some 20,000 paintings, drawings, sculptures, installations, design objects and films, including some of the masterpieces of the last two centuries, the Galleria Nazionale is a complete representation of artistic culture from the 1800s to the present day.

Photo by Adriano Mura

The works in the collection are an expression of the main artistic currents of the last two centuries, from Neoclassicism to Impressionism, from Divisionism to the historical avant-gardes of the early twentieth century, from Futurism and Surrealism, to the most conspicuous nucleus of works of Italian art between the 1920s and 1940s, from the Novecento movement to the so-called Scuola Romana. Another important nucleus is made up of works from the informal period after World War II, those of Pop Art and Arte Povera and numerous artists of our time.

The map created by Martí Guixé

Drawings. Writings. Thoughts. Notes. by Martí Guixé


La mappa della Galleria Nazionale

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