Accademie della Maestria femminile

The Accademie della Maestria femminile are a project of the Fondazione Scuola di Alta Formazione per Donne di Governo and of the Galleria Nazionale d’Arte Moderna e Contemporanea in Rome, in collaboration with Aspasia di Mileto Associazione per la Consulenza Filosofica di Trasformazione.

The ideation and coordination are by the philosopher Annarosa Buttarelli.

The Academies are a territorial articulation of the School and are conceived as permanent laboratories dedicated to women and men from the age of fourteen. They are addressed to people in transformation to orientate their future life, but also to people, especially women, who are waiting for a job reintegration or who want to rethink their current work from their roots.

The workshops are oriented to the knowledge of eccentric experiences and inventions of women and of female thought in the various fields of political and cultural association life, science, spirituality and the arts.

The Academies aim to accompany paths of subjective transformation to take root in the difference and to access an independent creativity of life and work. Each Academy arranges its themes under a general title, which contains research areas in which one learns not to replicate work and life practices subordinated to bureaucratic and standardized mechanisms, which neutralize the values ​​and merit of the difference between men and women. They are researches and areas that, taking into account the sexual difference, want to avoid absorption into already designed schemes.

The Academies deal with political and experiential issues through methodologies that open up to new forms of knowledge, concrete and symbolic together. Individually they are articulated presenting within them themes adaptable according to the needs of the individual contexts that will ask for the realization, opening the possibility to the latter to generate variations and new research paths.